Guided Meditations for Pregnancy - A Healthy Start to Motherhood

Pregnancy is surely one of the most beautiful moments in a woman’s life. The feeling of bringing a new life to the world and carrying for the baby right in the womb surely has no parallels. But along with all the excitement, pregnancy also does bring along its share of worries and physical discomfort. From going to spells of mood swings to frequent need to answer nature’s call there is lot that happens when you are carrying a baby inside. Not to ignore the fact that most would-be moms are worried about doing the right thing for their baby during pregnancy. So how do you make this make this experience more beautiful and make a healthy start to motherhood? Guided meditation may have the answers.
guided meditations for pregnancy

What Is Guided Meditation?

You know the benefits of meditation in terms of helping you connect with your inner self and gain complete control over your body and mind. Everyone from high flying corporate executives to sportsperson practice meditation as a way to stay focused. Guided meditation during pregnancy is a specialized form of meditation that solely focuses on the health and well-being of the mother and child and takes this practice to a new level. Here trainers guide you through different types of meditation techniques that helps you connect with your child, overcome all the doubts and negative thoughts that may be going through your mind and prepare yourself both physically and mentally for the later stages of pregnancy.

If you have spent some time researching about guided meditation for pregnancy and early parenthood you would have come across the word Metta. It is a Buddhist form of meditation that focuses on love and kindness and most would-be mothers have started developing a liking for. This age old meditation technique has for many centuries been practiced in Tibet and eastern part of the world and now fast becoming popular all over the globe. It is loving-kindness form of meditation which is ideal for would-be mothers that allows them to develop the eternal bond with their child and make the transition from womanhood to motherhood. The sole aim of this meditation is to assure yourself that you not only deserve love and kindness but are capable of giving it also. In this you would also chant simple mantras which are simple virtuous words that help in inculcating the right values in the child. It has proven to be extremely effective in the child’s development inside the womb.

Physical Benefits of Overcoming Stress

We have so far seen how guided meditation for pregnancy helps in bonding with your child and also inculcate the right virtues in the relationship. But the benefit of meditation during pregnancy isn’t restricted to psychological benefits alone but this has many physical benefits too. Throughout your pregnancy it will help you overcome stress. While stress is normal during pregnancy as your body is undergoing physical and hormonal transformation, prolonged stress can prove to be harmful for you and your child. This can result in complications and meditation is one of the best ways to manage it. In fact modern medical practitioners encourage pregnant mothers to stay calm and composed by engaging themselves in several activities. Some even go on to suggest meditation as a means of achieving this thanks to all the physical benefits it offers including -

  • Reduced odds of complications during labor
  • Decreases the risk of miscarriage
  • Helps in improving health and vitals of the child 
  • Reduced dependence of prescription medicines
  • Reduced pain during labor

Guided meditation during pregnancy is the right start to motherhood and one that would benefit you and the child during those nine months.

Summary – In this article we discuss how guided meditation for pregnancy is the right start to motherhood and helps both the mother and the child during this phase.

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