The Basics of HIV Prevention

The spread of HIV from one person to another is called HIV transmission. People can get affected with HIV only when there is an occurrence of certain activities like sexual relationships or injection for the use of drugs. HIV gets transmitted in certain fluids of the body from a person who already has the disease:

  • Semen
  • Blood
  • Rectal fluids
  • Pre-seminal fluids
  • Breast milk
  • Vaginal fluids
The transmission of HIV takes place only when the above fluids are in contact with the damaged tissue or mucous membrane, or they are getting directly injected inside the bloodstream.

HIV can even spread from a mother to her child at the time of her pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or during delivery and labor. However, the disease cannot get spread from one human being to another due to hugging, handshaking, or kissing. The latest technological developments today help in quick HIV home test. You can easily get the kits available online to check whether you are getting positive with HIV or not.

How Can You Reduce The Risk Of Getting Infected With HIV?

  • Get Tested: This is the first thing that you must be doing after getting intimate with your partner. Either visit the centers for the test or conduct a self-test at home.
  • Opt For Less Risky Sexual Activities: HIV mainly spreads if you are indulging in vaginal or anal sex without taking the required precautions.
  • Use Condoms: Make a habit of using condoms every time you are getting intimate. Know the correct use of the condoms from several fact sheets, which you get easily available online these days.
  • Limit the Sexual Partners: The more sexual partners you have, the more you are at risk of getting HIV transmitted in your body.
  • Never Inject Drugs: It is always best to avoid drugs, but if you are at all using it, use water and sterile drug injection. Never share yours with someone else.
If you are facing real symptoms of the disease, consult your health care professional at the earliest. Moreover, there are many modern HIV medicines these days which help people to live a healthier and longer life.

The Criticalness of Conducting A Chlamydia Test

Chlamydia test
The large majority who are infected by Chlamydia, don't have the symptoms at the beginning stage. Nevertheless, having unprotected sex with several partners leads to a higher risk of affecting people who don't suffer from this sexually transmitted disease. A survey led in the US says, 1 out of 14 individuals with ages running from 15 - 24 are suffering this disease.

Infection is Highly Transmittable

In other words, every individual who practices unprotected sex is likely to get this disease unknowingly. No matter you do vaginal, anal, or oral sex you can still be infected or infect your partner. Sexually active persons below 30 years of age are commonly the victims of sexually transmitted diseases.

Choose A Dependable Testing Way

A Chlamydia test kit is commonly used in clinics to find if you are infected or not. Those individuals who are infected are sensitive to this type of information, and they need to ensure that all details are kept confidential.

On the off chance that you need to do the tests yourself, there are test kits, that can be purchased on the internet or at the nearest clinic. Opt for a dependable way of Chlamydia testing, since there are chances where you get positive results, even if you are not infected and negative results when you are infected. In case you are certain that, you are genuinely infected with the disease, treatment is doable easily and quickly.

Get Treated Right Away

Chlamydia is called a silent disease. Its symptoms are commonly misjudged to be caused by other diseases. So, you should know about the symptoms appearing, as well as be aware of your sexual activities. Changing sexual partners frequently and having unprotected sex are two basic factors, that cause Chlamydia. If a Chlamydia test confirms that you are now infected, go for immediate treatment, before indulging in sexual activities to avoid spreading the disease.

To conclude, wear condoms while having sex. Remember that sexually transmitted diseases can spread whether you do anal, vaginal, or oral sex.